Flash Visuals of Concepts to Aid Teaching


Problem : I was teaching the kids at Deepam the concept of ‘Force’ , some months ago. I had prepared 4 simple examples t0 help students understand , better. I used the blackboard , ‘told’ them examples – Didn’t help them much to ‘visualize’. 
I got a couple of kids to ‘enact’ what i was ‘saying’ – the kids were able to understand easily. So, clearly, the problem is with ‘teaching methods’.
Solution : Develop flash visuals for all concepts from the LKG to Class 12 and beyond.
If someone is aware of any free content on the web, please do let me know.

Comments (02)

  1. Hey guys, never had so much fun before in our lives. Lookin fwd to next time already!!

    Just a few things I noticed + some suggestions:

    1. Most of the kids seemed to have enjoyed the quiz as such, but since it was the first time, we put more of the simpler questions; Guess we can up the level as we move on.

    2. We need to make the children read more to imagine more, to write more, to visualize a lot more!! So not sure how you are working on their soft skills, but a reading session or something might help big time.

    3. Visualization of something is the best thing a child can do – we all did in our own childhood, maybe without too much encouragement. This can be brought about only when we bring out the child in them – ideally this can be like an extempore talking/ paragraph writing etc.

    4. You need to have a calendar of events to bring out the talents and to inspire the children – suggest story telling, art competitions with a small reward. Nothing inspires or motivates anyone more than a reward.

    will be back with more ideas/ suggestions – if you are ok with it.



  2. Karthik,

    Thanks for your suggestions – We are almost done with the curriculum development. We can share the curriculum with you – it includes the reading / art / collaborative games / speaking etc

    Maybe, you could take a look and make suggestions.

    Please let us know.


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